Gitomer á metsölulista

Það var fróðlegt að skoða toppsölulistann á í dag.  Fyrsta sætið á listanum yfir bækur í flokknum Business & Investing skipar ný bók eftir Jeffrey Gitomer, sem er og hefur verið í nokkur ár í miklu uppáhaldi hjá mér.  Bókin heitir "Little Green Book of Getting Your Way: How to Speak, Write, GitomerPresent, Persuade, Influence, and Sell Your Point of View to Others"

Kenneth E. Calho hjá skrifar um bókina og segir:

"Jeffrey's books are terrific, and this one is no different. By focusing on key elements of personal persuasion and influence, and how to get your way with others, he's expanded his topics of influence from his other must-get "little red books" of salesmanship and more.

Highly recommended - all of Jeffrey's books are easy-to-read, they reveal what's really important in personal and professional persuasion, and he's my favorite sales trainer in the world - his tactics, and encouragement in his videos (all recommended!) are must-have resources for all sales professionals and anyone in business.

One more point: in this book, Jeffrey provides a wealth of tips for effectively persuading others that can be applied in personal as well as business situations, so it's a much wider focus than "sales only", and is therefore perfect for everyone who seeks to understand, engage, persuade and gain effective results when communicating with others, in all venues.

Terrific job, Jeffrey - you've hit another home run with "Getting Your Way!" Everyone should buy this book (and everything by Gitomer - he's an ace. He's "the" world class expert on sales success and effective persuasion).

Thanks again Gitomer - you rock!"

Getting your wayÉg renndi yfir listann og sá að Gitomer átti fleiri bækur á topp 100.  

5. sæti "Little Red Book of Sales Answers: 99.5 Real World Answers That Make Sense, Make Sales, and Make Money".

6. sæti bók eftir hann sem kom út fyrr í vetur og heitir "Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude: How to Find, Build and Keep a YES! Attitude for a Lifetime of SUCCESS".

10. sæti "Little Black Book of Connections: 6.5 Assets for Networking Your Way to Rich Relationships

33. sætið vermir bókin "Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless, Customer Loyalty Is Priceless : How to Make Customers Love You, Keep Them Coming Back and Tell Everyone They Know" og í

36. sæti "The Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness". 

45. sæti  "The Sales Bible" bók sem er búin að vera á metsölulistum í mörg ár (uppáhalds bókin mín).

Þetta kom mér svo sem ekki mikið á óvart enda maðurinn snillingur, hvort sem er sem bókarhöfundur, fyrirlesari eða sölu og þjónustu gúrú. Ég hvet áhugasama til að kíkja endilega á og skoða betur hvað þessi snillingur hefur uppá að bjóða og fram að færa.

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